Series 1: The DNA of Discipleship
This will teach you how to learn from the Bible and so it nicely complements other discipleship systems that focus on what to learn.
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Series 2: The 5 Verbs of Learning
This presents action steps for learners to imitate Jesus. These verbs are imagine, connect, risk, reflect and celebrate. Read this summary.
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40 Days Disciplemakers Class
These 20 minute weekly online classes will help the discipleship team prepare themselves for leading the 40 Days in their church. This can be started at the same time as doing the Series above. Subscribe here
The SEVEN Series in John: Who is Jesus
These are short series of daily emails looking in to the actions and words of Jesus explaining who he is and who we are. All are from the writer of John’s Gospel.
The Seven Signs in John: Subscribe or Preview (9 daily emails)
The Seven I AM’s in John: Preview (8 daily emails)
The Seven YOU ARE’s in John: Preview (7 daily emails)